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Кейс Rare
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Содержимое кейса
rhombus17800 GG22 RelicG22 Relic
rhombus16224 GFN FAL LeatherFN FAL Leather
rhombus1086 GSticker Numb SantaSticker Numb Santa
rhombus1000 GSticker RushSticker Rush
rhombus989 GTEC-9 ReactorStatTrack *TEC-9 Reactor
rhombus955 GSticker Toxic SnowballSticker Toxic Snowball
rhombus930 GSticker ZombieSticker Zombie
rhombus869 GSticker Evil PumpkinSticker Evil Pumpkin
rhombus844 GSticker DraculaSticker Dracula
rhombus800 GSticker BOOMSticker BOOM
rhombus778 GSticker Bloody ClownSticker Bloody Clown
rhombus739 GSticker MummySticker Mummy
rhombus630 GSticker GhostySticker Ghosty
rhombus488 GSticker Snow KingSticker Snow King
rhombus365 GSticker Christmas HESticker Christmas HE
rhombus348 GUSP 2 YearsUSP 2 Years
rhombus296 GG22 White CarbonStatTrack *G22 White Carbon
rhombus209 GMP5 Project Z9StatTrack *MP5 Project Z9
rhombus200 GSticker Danger ZoneSticker Danger Zone
rhombus193 GSticker Gas MaskSticker Gas Mask
rhombus173 GAKR CarbonStatTrack *AKR Carbon
rhombus168 GSticker RadiationSticker Radiation
rhombus160 GAKR12 Pixel CamouflageStatTrack *AKR12 Pixel Camouflage
rhombus148 GMP7 Winter SportStatTrack *MP7 Winter Sport
rhombus139 GAWM Polar NightStatTrack *AWM Polar Night
rhombus135 GAWM PhoenixStatTrack *AWM Phoenix
rhombus120 GSM1014 PathfinderStatTrack *SM1014 Pathfinder
rhombus116 GDesert Eagle PredatorStatTrack *Desert Eagle Predator
rhombus114 GFabM ReactorStatTrack *FabM Reactor
rhombus110 GSticker Hot Gun ColorSticker Hot Gun Color
rhombus107 GSticker Infernal Machine ColorSticker Infernal Machine Color
rhombus100 GFurious CaseFurious Case
rhombus100 GRival CaseRival Case
rhombus100 GOrigin CaseOrigin Case
rhombus93 GSM1014 ArcticStatTrack *SM1014 Arctic
rhombus92 GCHARM Horsemans HeadCHARM Horsemans Head
rhombus89 GCHARM MeteorCHARM Meteor
rhombus87 GAWM ScratchStatTrack *AWM Scratch
rhombus86 GAKR12 FlowStatTrack *AKR12 Flow
rhombus84 GSticker BonsaiSticker Bonsai
rhombus80 GAKR12 TransistorStatTrack *AKR12 Transistor
rhombus77 GF/S ZoneStatTrack *F/S Zone
rhombus75 GM40 ArcticStatTrack *M40 Arctic
rhombus70 GCHARM Friendly SpecterCHARM Friendly Specter
rhombus70 GSticker FlakeSticker Flake
rhombus69 GSticker Demon FlameSticker Demon Flame
rhombus68 GAKR NanoStatTrack *AKR Nano
rhombus68 GSticker Winter SportSticker Winter Sport
rhombus66 GSticker Not TodaySticker Not Today
rhombus66 GSticker ShooterSticker Shooter
rhombus61 GCHARM ShurikenCHARM Shuriken
rhombus61 GDesert Eagle MorganDesert Eagle Morgan
rhombus60 GAKR12 ArmoredStatTrack *AKR12 Armored
rhombus59 GSticker Candy CaneSticker Candy Cane
rhombus56 GMP7 Winter SportMP7 Winter Sport
rhombus55 GCHARM BrainlessCHARM Brainless
rhombus53 GSticker 4 YearsSticker 4 Years
rhombus52 GSticker PewnguinSticker Pewnguin
rhombus50 GP350 AutumnStatTrack *P350 Autumn
rhombus50 GSticker SushiSticker Sushi
rhombus50 GDesert Eagle Red DragonStatTrack *Desert Eagle Red Dragon
rhombus49 GSticker OgreSticker Ogre
rhombus49 GG22 White CarbonG22 White Carbon
rhombus44 GSticker KitsuneSticker Kitsune
rhombus43 GCHARM Cutting PliersCHARM Cutting Pliers
rhombus43 GSticker Winter FunSticker Winter Fun
rhombus42 GCHARM SamuraiCHARM Samurai
rhombus42 GF/S EnforcerStatTrack *F/S Enforcer
rhombus42 GM4A1 KitsuneStatTrack *M4A1 Kitsune
rhombus40 GAWM Polar NightAWM Polar Night
rhombus40 GMP5 Northern FuryStatTrack *MP5 Northern Fury
rhombus40 GSticker Emperors GuardSticker Emperors Guard
rhombus39 GSticker LuckSticker Luck
rhombus37 GSticker AmbushSticker Ambush
rhombus31 GUMP45 GeometricStatTrack *UMP45 Geometric
rhombus31 GUMP45 SharkStatTrack *UMP45 Shark
rhombus30 GSticker KoiSticker Koi
rhombus30 GSticker New Year 2022Sticker New Year 2022
rhombus30 GSticker PROSticker PRO
rhombus30 GSM1014 ArcticSM1014 Arctic
rhombus30 GSticker Headshot ZoneSticker Headshot Zone
rhombus30 GSticker V2Sticker V2
rhombus29 GSticker Nice SkillSticker Nice Skill
rhombus28 GM4 ProStatTrack *M4 Pro
rhombus28 GMP5 Project Z9MP5 Project Z9
rhombus28 GSticker Be CoolSticker Be Cool
rhombus26 GCHARM KitsuneCHARM Kitsune
rhombus25 GM110 TransitionStatTrack *M110 Transition
rhombus25 GCHARM GrenadeCHARM Grenade
rhombus25 GCHARM DarumaCHARM Daruma
rhombus24 GAKR12 FlowAKR12 Flow
rhombus24 GFabM FlightStatTrack *FabM Flight
rhombus23 GCHARM Imperial CoinCHARM Imperial Coin
rhombus22 GAKR12 Pixel CamouflageAKR12 Pixel Camouflage
rhombus22 GSM1014 PathfinderSM1014 Pathfinder
rhombus22 GCHARM Baby PenguinCHARM Baby Penguin
rhombus22 GCHARM Gift CatcherCHARM Gift Catcher
rhombus21 GCHIBI DummyCHIBI Dummy
rhombus21 GSticker Lucky StarSticker Lucky Star
rhombus21 GCHARM GingerbreadCHARM Gingerbread
rhombus21 GM40 ArcticM40 Arctic
rhombus20 GSticker Spare GoldSticker Spare Gold
rhombus20 GCHARM MR BowlerCHARM MR Bowler
rhombus20 GDesert Eagle PredatorDesert Eagle Predator
rhombus19 GFamas HullStatTrack *Famas Hull
rhombus19 GCharm HaradashiCharm Haradashi
rhombus18 GCharm "Count Paperakula"Charm "Count Paperakula"
rhombus18 GSticker Deagle MasterSticker Deagle Master
rhombus18 GSticker Jubilee 5Sticker Jubilee 5
rhombus18 GM110 Z-07 M.A.R.K.S.M.A.N.StatTrack *M110 Z-07 M.A.R.K.S.M.A.N.
rhombus17 GG22 CarbonStatTrack *G22 Carbon
rhombus17 GCharm SpiritCharm Spirit
rhombus17 GM40 BeagleStatTrack *M40 Beagle
rhombus16 GAWM PhoenixAWM Phoenix
rhombus16 GSM1014 WaveStatTrack *SM1014 Wave
rhombus15 GM110 TransitionM110 Transition
rhombus15 GMP5 4 YearsMP5 4 Years
rhombus14 GP350 RallyStatTrack *P350 Rally
rhombus14 GCharm Mind Blowing GiftCharm Mind Blowing Gift
rhombus13 GFabM ReactorFabM Reactor
rhombus13 GP350 AutumnP350 Autumn
rhombus13 GTEC-9 ReactorTEC-9 Reactor
rhombus12 GP350 OniStatTrack *P350 Oni
rhombus11 GM4 DemonStatTrack *M4 Demon
rhombus11 GAKR12 TransistorAKR12 Transistor
rhombus11 GMP7 BananaStatTrack *MP7 Banana
rhombus10 GAWM ScratchAWM Scratch
rhombus10 GAKR CarbonAKR Carbon
rhombus10 GMP5 Northern FuryMP5 Northern Fury
rhombus10 GRival BoxRival Box
rhombus10 GCharm "Candy Cane"Charm "Candy Cane"
rhombus10 GF/S ZoneF/S Zone
rhombus10 GFurious BoxFurious Box
rhombus10 GOrigin BoxOrigin Box
rhombus9 GAKR12 ArmoredAKR12 Armored
rhombus9 GF/S EnforcerF/S Enforcer
rhombus8 GM110 Z-07 M.A.R.K.S.M.A.N.M110 Z-07 M.A.R.K.S.M.A.N.
rhombus8 GG22 StarfallStatTrack *G22 Starfall
rhombus7 GDesert Eagle AceStatTrack *Desert Eagle Ace
rhombus6 GM110 CyberStatTrack *M110 Cyber
rhombus6 GTec-9 TropicStatTrack *Tec-9 Tropic
rhombus6 GF/S TacticalStatTrack *F/S Tactical
rhombus5 GUMP45 GeometricUMP45 Geometric
rhombus5 GUMP45 4 YearsUMP45 4 Years
rhombus5 GDesert Eagle Red DragonDesert Eagle Red Dragon
rhombus5 GUMP45 SharkUMP45 Shark
rhombus4 GM4 ProM4 Pro
rhombus4 GFabM FlightFabM Flight
rhombus3 GAKR NanoAKR Nano
rhombus3 GM40 BeagleM40 Beagle
rhombus2 GP350 RallyP350 Rally
rhombus2 GFamas HullFamas Hull
rhombus1 GM4A1 KitsuneM4A1 Kitsune
rhombus1 GDesert Eagle AceDesert Eagle Ace
rhombus1 GG22 StarfallG22 Starfall
rhombus1 GM4 DemonM4 Demon
rhombus1 GF/S TacticalF/S Tactical
rhombus1 GSM1014 WaveSM1014 Wave
rhombus1 GMP7 BananaMP7 Banana
rhombus1 GP350 OniP350 Oni
rhombus1 GTec-9 TropicTec-9 Tropic
rhombus1 GG22 CarbonG22 Carbon
rhombus1 GM110 CyberM110 Cyber
rhombus1 GSPAS GriffinSPAS Griffin