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Кейс Legendary
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Содержимое кейса
rhombus59500 GAWM Sport V2AWM Sport V2
rhombus32800 GAWM Winter SportStatTrack *AWM Winter Sport
rhombus20000 GTEC-9 NecromancerStatTrack *TEC-9 Necromancer
rhombus17500 GSticker Z9 MaskSticker Z9 Mask
rhombus15555 GFamas MonsterStatTrack *Famas Monster
rhombus11000 GP350 RadiationStatTrack *P350 Radiation
rhombus9222 GSticker Mad SantaSticker Mad Santa
rhombus9000 GSticker Cookie KillerSticker Cookie Killer
rhombus6495 GAWM Winter SportAWM Winter Sport
rhombus6200 GSticker Infernal SkullSticker Infernal Skull
rhombus6137 GAKR 2 Years RedAKR 2 Years Red
rhombus5200 GMP5 ZoneStatTrack *MP5 Zone
rhombus4600 GSticker Mad BatSticker Mad Bat
rhombus4000 GM16 WingedStatTrack *M16 Winged
rhombus3800 GM4 NecromancerStatTrack *M4 Necromancer
rhombus3700 GSticker BatriderSticker Batrider
rhombus3699 GAKR12 RailgunStatTrack *AKR12 Railgun
rhombus3000 GSticker Sweet AmmoSticker Sweet Ammo
rhombus2133 GSticker Toxic ColorSticker Toxic Color
rhombus2065 GTEC-9 NecromancerTEC-9 Necromancer
rhombus1873 GAWM SportAWM Sport
rhombus1649 GSticker Drop The BombSticker Drop The Bomb
rhombus1630 GP350 BlizzardStatTrack *P350 Blizzard
rhombus1485 GM16 TriumphantStatTrack *M16 Triumphant
rhombus1476 GFamas MonsterFamas Monster
rhombus1433 GM16 Iron WillStatTrack *M16 Iron Will
rhombus1235 GAKR12 GeometricStatTrack *AKR12 Geometric
rhombus1101 GAKR NecromancerStatTrack *AKR Necromancer
rhombus1085 GP350 RadiationP350 Radiation
rhombus850 GSticker Phoenix Blazon GoldSticker Phoenix Blazon Gold
rhombus850 GSticker Iron OXSticker Iron OX
rhombus720 GCHARM Vampire BatCHARM Vampire Bat
rhombus600 GCHARM Halloween SpiritCHARM Halloween Spirit
rhombus578 GMP7 2 Years RedMP7 2 Years Red
rhombus578 GAKR12 RailgunAKR12 Railgun
rhombus500 GSticker Zone9Sticker Zone9
rhombus500 GCHARM Spooky LaternCHARM Spooky Latern
rhombus488 GM4 NecromancerM4 Necromancer
rhombus470 GP350 BlizzardP350 Blizzard
rhombus463 GSticker Neon DragonSticker Neon Dragon
rhombus444 GMP5 ZoneMP5 Zone
rhombus400 GM16 WingedM16 Winged
rhombus398 GM16 TriumphantM16 Triumphant
rhombus357 GCHARM ConeCHARM Cone
rhombus350 GAKR12 GeometricAKR12 Geometric
rhombus349 GSticker Flake HoloSticker Flake Holo
rhombus344 GSM1014 NecromancerStatTrack *SM1014 Necromancer
rhombus303 GCHARM Snow FlakeCHARM Snow Flake
rhombus300 GSticker Sunset GoldSticker Sunset Gold
rhombus300 GSticker RageSticker Rage
rhombus278 GM4 RevivalStatTrack *M4 Revival
rhombus269 GSticker Big BoySticker Big Boy
rhombus250 GSticker Candy Cane ColorSticker Candy Cane Color
rhombus245 GSticker Endurance ColorSticker Endurance Color
rhombus234 GMP7 ArcadeStatTrack *MP7 Arcade
rhombus231 GSticker 4 Years ColorSticker 4 Years Color
rhombus222 GG22 Frost WyrmStatTrack *G22 Frost Wyrm
rhombus221 GCHARM ClawCHARM Claw
rhombus220 GAWM DragonStatTrack *AWM Dragon
rhombus216 GSticker The KingSticker The King
rhombus215 GM16 4 YearsM16 4 Years
rhombus214 GUMP45 WingedStatTrack *UMP45 Winged
rhombus214 GF/S RushStatTrack *F/S Rush
rhombus213 GAWM GearStatTrack *AWM Gear
rhombus200 GSticker SandstoneSticker Sandstone
rhombus199 GCHARM SaleCHARM Sale
rhombus160 GMP7 GraffityStatTrack *MP7 Graffity
rhombus135 GSPAS OctopusSPAS Octopus
rhombus132 GAKR12 4 YearsAKR12 4 Years
rhombus125 GSticker RustSticker Rust
rhombus124 GCharm "Winter Fun"Charm "Winter Fun"
rhombus122 GSticker Sushi ColorSticker Sushi Color
rhombus110 GM60 GrungeStatTrack *M60 Grunge
rhombus110 GSticker Koi ColorSticker Koi Color
rhombus109 GCHARM Santa GlobeCHARM Santa Globe
rhombus109 GAKR NecromancerAKR Necromancer
rhombus109 GCHARM Santa GlobeCHARM Santa Globe
rhombus105 GUSP ChameleonStatTrack *USP Chameleon
rhombus100 GDesert Eagle OrochiStatTrack *Desert Eagle Orochi
rhombus95 GSticker Nice Skill ColorSticker Nice Skill Color
rhombus90 GSticker ProvinceSticker Province
rhombus89 GM4 LizardStatTrack *M4 Lizard
rhombus87 GSM1014 NecromancerSM1014 Necromancer
rhombus80 GSticker AWM Master ColorSticker AWM Master Color
rhombus73 GSticker Spirit House ColorSticker Spirit House Color
rhombus71 GCHARM Secret DataCHARM Secret Data
rhombus70 GM4 RevivalM4 Revival
rhombus64 GTEC-9 FableStatTrack *TEC-9 Fable
rhombus58 GCHIBI EspertoCHIBI Esperto
rhombus57 GSticker With LoveSticker With Love
rhombus56 GF/S RushF/S Rush
rhombus56 GChibi ShinobiChibi Shinobi
rhombus48 GCHARM 4 Years GoldCHARM 4 Years Gold
rhombus42 GCharm Grumpy TigerCharm Grumpy Tiger
rhombus42 GUMP45 WingedUMP45 Winged
rhombus38 GG22 Frost WyrmG22 Frost Wyrm
rhombus38 GMP7 ArcadeMP7 Arcade
rhombus28 GAWM GearAWM Gear
rhombus25 GAWM DragonAWM Dragon
rhombus23 GCharm Spray 5 GoldCharm Spray 5 Gold
rhombus22 GM60 GrungeM60 Grunge
rhombus20 GDesert Eagle OrochiDesert Eagle Orochi
rhombus20 GCharm "Long Run"Charm "Long Run"
rhombus19 GM4 Night WolfM4 Night Wolf
rhombus19 GMP7 GraffityMP7 Graffity
rhombus16 GTEC-9 FableTEC-9 Fable
rhombus15 GMP7 LichMP7 Lich
rhombus15 GUSP ChameleonUSP Chameleon
rhombus13 GM4 LizardM4 Lizard