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Кейс Arcane
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Содержимое кейса
rhombus199999 GSticker Gold SkullSticker Gold Skull
rhombus115000 GM40 MonsterStatTrack *M40 Monster
rhombus99999 GSticker Metal RatSticker Metal Rat
rhombus79999 GF/S PoisonStatTrack *F/S Poison
rhombus79998 GAWM Treasure HunterAWM Treasure Hunter
rhombus73665 GSticker Snow QueenSticker Snow Queen
rhombus49900 GM4A1 Year of The TigerStatTrack *M4A1 Year of The Tiger
rhombus39999 GSticker Radiate HeatSticker Radiate Heat
rhombus37777 GG22 FrozenStatTrack *G22 Frozen
rhombus27500 GSticker PunisherSticker Punisher
rhombus27274 GAKR Treasure HunterStatTrack *AKR Treasure Hunter
rhombus15499 GM40 MonsterM40 Monster
rhombus13383 GCHARM OchpochmakCHARM Ochpochmak
rhombus12300 GDesert Eagle YakuzaStatTrack *Desert Eagle Yakuza
rhombus11940 GCHARM Suspicious SpiderCHARM Suspicious Spider
rhombus11758 GG22 FrozenG22 Frozen
rhombus11200 GUSP GeometricStatTrack *USP Geometric
rhombus9999 GCHARM Project Z9 DiamondCHARM Project Z9 Diamond
rhombus9999 GF/S PoisonF/S Poison
rhombus9900 GSticker Zen Chip ColorSticker Zen Chip Color
rhombus8080 GCHARM Reaper ScytheCHARM Reaper Scythe
rhombus8000 GSticker Zone9 ColorSticker Zone9 Color
rhombus7000 GAWM 2 Years RedAWM 2 Years Red
rhombus5500 GFN FAL Phoenix RisenStatTrack *FN FAL Phoenix Risen
rhombus4887 GMP7 BlizzardStatTrack *MP7 Blizzard
rhombus4445 GSticker Phoenix Blazon ColorSticker Phoenix Blazon Color
rhombus3642 GAKR Treasure HunterAKR Treasure Hunter
rhombus3390 GM4A1 Year Of The TigerM4A1 Year Of The Tiger
rhombus3200 GG22 NestStatTrack *G22 Nest
rhombus2899 GAWM GenesisStatTrack *AWM Genesis
rhombus2825 GUSP GeometricUSP Geometric
rhombus2599 GM60 MechaStatTrack *M60 Mecha
rhombus2200 GDesert Eagle YakuzaDesert Eagle Yakuza
rhombus1998 GSticker DragonSticker Dragon
rhombus1850 GAKR DragonStatTrack *AKR Dragon
rhombus1738 GSticker Sandstone GoldSticker Sandstone Gold
rhombus1670 GFN FAL Phoenix RisenFN FAL Phoenix Risen
rhombus1600 GCHARM Year of OXCHARM Year of OX
rhombus1449 GSticker SamuraiSticker Samurai
rhombus1400 GCHARM Golden DragonCHARM Golden Dragon
rhombus1394 GCHARM Snow BearCHARM Snow Bear
rhombus1380 GSticker Sakura ColorSticker Sakura Color
rhombus1345 GMP7 BlizzardMP7 Blizzard
rhombus1345 GFamas FuryStatTrack *Famas Fury
rhombus1299 GM4A1 BubblegumStatTrack *M4A1 Bubblegum
rhombus1250 GChibi "Yokai"Chibi "Yokai"
rhombus1197 GCHIBI JoyCHIBI Joy
rhombus1182 GSticker Neon Dragon ColorSticker Neon Dragon Color
rhombus1150 GSticker Province GoldSticker Province Gold
rhombus1129 GP350 Forest SpiritStatTrack *P350 Forest Spirit
rhombus999 GCHARM WingCHARM Wing
rhombus988 GTanto FlowTanto Flow
rhombus900 GSticker Rust MetallicSticker Rust Metallic
rhombus889 GM60 MechaM60 Mecha
rhombus868 GAWM BOOMStatTrack *AWM BOOM
rhombus773 GCHARM ZenCHARM Zen
rhombus729 GP90 SamuraiStatTrack *P90 Samurai
rhombus630 GUMP45 BeastStatTrack *UMP45 Beast
rhombus612 GG22 NestG22 Nest
rhombus440 GAWM GenesisAWM Genesis
rhombus419 GM4 SamuraiStatTrack *M4 Samurai
rhombus380 GChibi "Commander Claus"Chibi "Commander Claus"
rhombus339 GFamas FuryFamas Fury
rhombus300 GMAC10 ArgoMAC10 Argo
rhombus296 GCharm "Hannya"Charm "Hannya"
rhombus292 GM4A1 BubblegumM4A1 Bubblegum
rhombus254 GCharm "Inugami"Charm "Inugami"
rhombus250 GAKR DragonAKR Dragon
rhombus250 GP350 Forest SpiritP350 Forest Spirit
rhombus225 GF/S VenomStatTrack *F/S Venom
rhombus200 GCharm ByakkoCharm Byakko
rhombus188 GCharm OniCharm Oni
rhombus160 GCharm "Kitsune Mask"Charm "Kitsune Mask"
rhombus135 GUMP45 BeastUMP45 Beast
rhombus115 GP90 SamuraiP90 Samurai
rhombus100 GM4 SamuraiM4 Samurai
rhombus80 GCharm Long Run GoldCharm Long Run Gold
rhombus60 GF/S VenomF/S Venom